
John Hall worked as a senior market and product expert at Viking Pump for 23 years before retiring in 2023. His professional career spans across marketing, sales, and technical management. He holds a B.S. in Technical Communications and an MBA in Marketing Management from the University of Minnesota.

compacter rolling over freshly laid asphalt mix

Bitumen vs Asphalt: Key Differences and Gear Pump Selection

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The terms bitumen and asphalt are often used interchangeably, but they are two completely different materials, causing confusion inside and outside the industry. Throw in regional differences in meaning and language, and it’s time to set the record straight, along with tips on bitumen pump selection.

Vacuum gauges on a viking pump

NPSH Visualized

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If you’ve ever fallen asleep reading pump texts about NPSH, you’re not alone. But here’s an easy-to-understand, graphical approach to ensuring your NPSHa>NPSHr.

For newbies, Net Positive Suction Head Available (NPSHa, a function of the suction side of the pump system) must exceed Net Positive Suction Head Required (NPSHr, a function of the pump) to avoid...

Viking Pump patent for mag drive technology

Universal Mag Drive, The Sealless Upgrade That Prevents Leakage and Fugitive Emissions

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Viking Pump invented, patented and manufactured the very first sealless mag drive rotary positive displacement (PD) pumps in the world, and developed several series over time for different applications, including the first generation 825, 895 and 855 ™ internal gear pumps.

Of these first generation mag drive pumps, all had different footprints from their dynamically-sealed cousins with...

Internal Gear pump with see-through head

Understanding Internal Gear Pumps: How They Work and Their Benefits

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Discover how internal gear pumps work, their key features, and their advantages across various industries. Learn why they're the preferred choice for fluid handling.

Introduction to Internal Gear Pumps

Internal gear pumps are a fascinating invention that has stood the test of time. Created by Viking Pump over a century ago, they remain one of the company's most recognized products. These pumps are a type of rotary positive displacement pump, which means they move fluid by utilizing the rotary motion of their components.

u-plus bracket holding various seal types

Expanded Seal Flexibility with U-Plus™ Brackets

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Viking Pump’s new generation of pumps (sizes H-QS in steel and stainless steel) offer a wide array of benefits that the previous alloy pumps could not, particularly in the area of sealing flexibility. These new pumps increase the number of sealing options possible in one pump, while at the same time reducing cost and lead times.  

ProPort gif of different flanges being implemented

All You Need to Know About ProPort™ Casings

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Viking Pump’s new generation of internal gear pumps offer a wide array of benefits that the previous alloy pumps could not, particularly in the area of porting flexibility. These new pumps reduced the number of casing configurations, which helps reduce manufacturing complexity, cost and lead times, while at the same time increasing the number of porting options and providing greater porting flexibility.

first look at the generation 4 internal gear pump by Viking Pump

Introducing Viking Pump’s NEW Generation of Pumps

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As a masterclass in engineering design and manufacturing flexibility, Viking Pump has re-designed its heavy-duty alloy pumps, both steel and stainless steel, in the most ingenious ways. These new models reduce price and lead time by significantly reducing the number of casings and brackets for manufacturing simplification, while simultaneously providing more options for porting and shaft sealing, all while adding many great new standard features.

bars of chocolate

Pump Choices in Chocolate and Confectionery Processing: Lobe/CP Pumps vs. Internal Gear Pumps 

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Unlike food processors who primarily use centrifugal pumps, chocolate and confectionery processors have two main preferences for handling viscous liquors, chocolates, sugars and other confectionery liquids: Rotary Lobe / Circumferential Piston (CP) pumps and Internal Gear Pumps. These Positive Displacement-type pumps are chosen due to various reasons. But which is best?

motor driven glycol pump next to natural gas driven pumps

U.S. EPA Bans Natural Gas-Driven Pumps

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A new EPA rule, published December 2, 2023, covering new and existing oil and gas operations, requires the use of zero-emissions pumps instead of natural gas-driven pumps, with very few exceptions. It also restricts other natural gas-driven equipment, limits fugitive emissions and calls for reduced flaring of associated gas

Pump tag showing direction of flow

Reversing a Gear Pump

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With Viking pumps the answer is usually “yes,” but before you turn that “reverse” switch on your pump’s motor starter or variable frequency drive, there are a number of things to consider, which are discussed here

Can I reverse a pump to change direction of flow?

With Viking pumps the answer is usually “yes,” but before you turn that “reverse” switch on your pump’s motor starter or variable frequency drive, there are a number of things to consider, which are discussed here.