How Pump Packing Works - Animation

Packing is one of the most common and simplest seals for positive displacement pumps. Packing consists of braided or formed rings that are compressed inside the stuffing box of a pump. As the packing gland is tightened, the packing is compressed against the shaft and the inside of the stuffing box bore - creating a seal. When the pump is operating, process liquid cools and lubricates the packing. The pump must leak or "weep" slightly to ensure proper lubrication. Packing is one of the oldest forms of shaft sealing. Original packing was made of materials such as leather or rope.

50 States / 50 Pumping Applications: Iowa, Rhode Island, California, West Virginia, Colorado

Viking Pump’s original applications started at home, right here in Iowa. This original list included asphalt, fuel oil, turpentine, linseed oil, and water but did not include one of Viking Pump’s most common applications in the state today: corn syrup. Corn syrup is a sweetener made from, you guessed it…corn, and used in a variety of foods, candies, beverages, and pet foods. Next, is Rhode Island. Bunker C has many names: Heavy Fuel Oil, Bunker Oil, #6 Fuel Oil.

Jason Downing of michael smith engineering accepting a certificate of excellence

Distributor Spotlight | Michael Smith Engineers Ltd.

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Viking Pump is proud to have Michael Smith Engineers (MSE) as a distributor in Great Britain. The company has a solid reputation as one of the GB's leading pump specialists, providing solutions for difficult liquid handling since 1971. With a broad range of experience and ISO 9001 accreditation by NQA Ltd since 1994...

House of Hope is breaking cycles for good in the Cedar Valley

[NARRATOR] The Viking Pump ROOTS program is proud to partner with House of Hope in serving the Cedar Valley. [DUSKY] Female-led households in Iowa struggle for economic security more so than their married or partnered counterparts and women who age out of foster care are the highest at risk for becoming single mothers in homelessness. So if we are going to really make a generational impact, which is our goal, we want to truly break cycles for good, long-term. We have to address what's happening with single mothers and women who age out of foster care.

So your pump is making noise due to cavitation. Now what?

Join Viking Pump's Chad Wunderlich as he describes the multiple ways to address and solve for a cavitating pump. 

So just to recap: a cavitating pump is one that is exhibiting noise, loss of capacity, and if left unchecked can lead to localized pitting of the pump internals. The cause is excessive vacuum at the pump inlet. So what's the fix? 

For most systems, it starts with atmospheric pressure - but you can't move your entire facility to sea level. So what CAN you fix?

What causes pumps to cavitate? And why is my pump so LOUD?

In this Pump Report, Chad covers the causes and symptoms of positive displacement pump cavitation.

Hi, I'm Chad Wunderlich with Viking Pump. In a previous video we discussed the priming capability of positive displacement pumps, like this gear pump. This is due, in part, to the pump's ability to develop vacuum...but what happens if that vacuum gets too high? 

Today we're going to talk about cavitation. You're watching the Pump Report. 

Viking Pump Canada: 100 Years of Excellence

Viking Pump Canada has been serving customers across the Canadian provinces for over 100 years. First opened in 1924 as an additional manufacturing center for US-based Viking Pump, Viking Pump Canada has developed into an important source of positive displacement pump expertise.

Through the years, Viking Pump Canada has had different ownership - but was ultimately reacquired by Viking Pump in 1992. Now with a strong focus on high quality distribution and service, Viking Pump Canada is accelerating growth for the entire Viking Pump business.

Slowing Down Your Pump's Motor with a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD)

In a positive displacement pump, each rotation of the shaft and gears carries a fixed volume of liquid from the supply tank to the downstream piping. When paired with an AC induction motor, speed and flow are very consistent. But what if you want to CHANGE the flow? In this episode of the Pump Report, Chad discusses controlling your positive displacement pump's motor with a variable frequency drive - or VFD.

50 States / 50 Pumping Applications: Utah, New Hampshire, Maryland, Alabama, Oklahoma

Let's start in Utah. Soaps and detergents are viscous and corrosive - making them perfect applications for Viking pumps. These include dishwasher detergent, laundry detergent, and hand soaps just to name a few. Many are liquids, but some are powder slurries which are then dried into powder or compressed into tablets for easier handling.