50 States / 50 Pumping Applications: Nebraska, Arizona, Virginia, Louisiana, Michigan

In Nebraska, soybean oil is just one edible oil that's produced. Soybean oil is used not only for cooking but also in the manufacture of personal care products and as a feedstock in the manufacture of biodiesel. And just down the road, you’ll find pumps for corn oil, sunflower oil, even walnut oil. And expanding that search globally you’ll find Viking pumps for palm oil, olive oil, peanut oil, rapeseed oil, grapeseed oil, and dozens of others. Next is Arizona. Seal coat is an asphalt emulsion used in the repair of paved surfaces.

compacter rolling over freshly laid asphalt mix

Bitumen vs Asphalt: Key Differences and Gear Pump Selection

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The terms bitumen and asphalt are often used interchangeably, but they are two completely different materials, causing confusion inside and outside the industry. Throw in regional differences in meaning and language, and it’s time to set the record straight, along with tips on bitumen pump selection.

50 States / 50 Pumping Applications: Ohio, New Jersey, Georgia, South Dakota, and Montana

In Ohio, like the rest of North America, the most common roofing material for homes is shingles. Ohio, and many other states, utilize Viking pumps to produce and deliver filled roofing asphalt to the felt backing for making roofing shingles in a variety of colors and styles. This application is hot, viscous, and highly abrasive requiring hardened Viking pumps to handle this tough application. In New Jersey, Viking ammonia pumps are used mostly for refrigeration, but you’ll also find Viking ammonia pumps with a different purpose.

Melted chocolate

Chocolate Plant Eliminates Leakage with O-Pro® Barrier

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A major producer of chocolate confections in the eastern United States had been operating many Viking pumps on a variety of confectionary liquids for decades.

Many of these gear pumps have shaft packing, an extremely reliable means of preventing leaks, but which require some level of “controlled leakage” to cool and lubricate the packing. In a time of stricter FDA standards, food processors are now seeking new solutions to eliminate leakage, as it can create a slip and fall hazard and, furthermore, waste valuable product.

50 States / 50 Pumping Applications: Texas, South Carolina, Wisconsin, Maine, Indiana

Let's start with Texas. Whether you’re in Houston, or Dallas, or West Texas, it’s impossible to get away from Viking pumps used in the petroleum industry. Certainly you’ll find Viking pumps for crude oil here, but also at the finished end of the process helping to manufacture a variety of lube oil blends from conventional motor oil to full synthetics, to special blends for colder environments, high mileage engines, marine, aviation, and dozens of other specialty applications. South Carolina’s textile industry is older than the US itself.

50 States / 50 Pumping Applications: Iowa, Rhode Island, California, West Virginia, Colorado

Viking Pump’s original applications started at home, right here in Iowa. This original list included asphalt, fuel oil, turpentine, linseed oil, and water but did not include one of Viking Pump’s most common applications in the state today: corn syrup. Corn syrup is a sweetener made from, you guessed it…corn, and used in a variety of foods, candies, beverages, and pet foods. Next, is Rhode Island. Bunker C has many names: Heavy Fuel Oil, Bunker Oil, #6 Fuel Oil.

Pumps in place for mining operation in Chile

Copper Mining Operation Optimizes Sulfuric Acid Handling

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Copper is fast becoming a critical resource as the world shifts to an increasingly lower carbon footprint, and with the growing demand comes a need for more efficient processing (i.e., refining) of the mineral ore.


The owner of a copper mine in Antofagasta City, Chile wanted to replace its legacy centrifugal pumps used for injecting sulfuric acid into agglomeration tanks – where crushed copper is heaped into uniform particles and sprayed with sulfuric acid + water. The acid component helps to optimize ultimate metal recovery by improving permeability of the raw material at this stage in reparation for the next step: lixiviation, or leaching, to extract the metal.

50 States / 50 Pumping Applications: Utah, New Hampshire, Maryland, Alabama, Oklahoma

Let's start in Utah. Soaps and detergents are viscous and corrosive - making them perfect applications for Viking pumps. These include dishwasher detergent, laundry detergent, and hand soaps just to name a few. Many are liquids, but some are powder slurries which are then dried into powder or compressed into tablets for easier handling.

bars of chocolate

Pump Choices in Chocolate and Confectionery Processing: Lobe/CP Pumps vs. Internal Gear Pumps 

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Unlike food processors who primarily use centrifugal pumps, chocolate and confectionery processors have two main preferences for handling viscous liquors, chocolates, sugars and other confectionery liquids: Rotary Lobe / Circumferential Piston (CP) pumps and Internal Gear Pumps. These Positive Displacement-type pumps are chosen due to various reasons. But which is best?


Grease Pumping Solutions

Greases are commonly referred to as lubricating, automotive, or bearing grease. They are generally a mixture of mineral oil with one or more metallic soaps like sodium or calcium. The texture of grease may be smooth and buttery or even fibrous or rubbery. The viscosity of greases range greatly. They are also extremely shear sensitive. Typically, flow is aided by a follower-plate on the supply tank to help maintain positive pressure on the suction side of the pump. The cast iron 1124A Series™ features Viking's O-Pro® Barrier seal - which minimizes leakage.