
People holding shovels after planting a young sapling.

Viking Pump Energy Commits to Planting 10,000 Trees in 2023

The Viking Pump® Energy Segment has partnered with global non-profit One Tree Planted with a goal of planting 10,000 trees annually. Every tree planted makes a positive impact for nature, wildlife, and people around the world.

Recognizing our Opportunity to Serve ROOTS program logo

Retrieving Freedom Receives Donation from Viking Pump

The Viking Pump ROOTS committee awarded Retrieving Freedom a $5,000 donation to support their local efforts to provide trained service dogs for individuals with disabilities in our community.

Recognizing our Opportunity to Serve ROOTS program logo

Kadens Kloset Receives Donation from Viking Pump

The Viking Pump ROOTS Committee awarded Kadens Kloset with a $5,000 donation to go towards their local efforts in the Cedar Valley.

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Viking Pumps at the Museum

In 2011 Viking Pump celebrated our company’s 100th anniversary.  As part of the activities we relocated and updated our Viking Pump museum.  Here we include past products and other historical artifacts gathered over the past century to help tell the story of our company and the development of our products to customers and distributors that visit the Cedar Falls facility.

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Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery…Or Not?

“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.” ― Oscar Wilde


Having a great product, with a great reputation, and being a technology inventor like Viking Pump®, positions you as a market leader with high visibility. As such, other gear pump manufacturers naturally want to follow in…

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Reflecting on a Strong Decade

As the end of 2019 is near, it is not just an opportunity to reflect on this calendar year, but the end of a decade. Viking Pump® is proud to be a company with 108 years of history; built by employees, distributors, and customers with a deep care and understanding of the industry who feel motivated to solve the toughest pumping challenges. Let’s take a walk through some of the highlights of…

ice breaker ship in the harbor

Viking at the Museum: The Ice Breaker Mackinaw

On December 17, 1941- just 10 days after the attack on Pearl Harbor- the United States Congress approved the construction of the Coast Guard Cutter Mackinaw WAGB-83. The purpose of the ship was to forge a path for transport ships by breaking up thick ice that formed on the Great Lakes during frigid winter months. This allowed iron ore, limestone, and coal to be transported keeping…

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