50 States / 50 Pumping Applications: New Mexico, Massachusetts, Alaska, Kansas, Oregon

Since our founding in 1911, Viking Pump has built over 7,000,000 pumps and supplied them to customers all over the world. These pumps handle the broadest range of liquids in the industry. We’ve prepared a listing of 50 Viking pump applications, tying each to a state where this application can commonly be found. In our fifth episode, let’s explore Viking Pump applications in New Mexico, Massachusetts, Alaska, Kansas, and Oregon.

50 States / 50 Pumping Applications: Utah, New Hampshire, Maryland, Alabama, Oklahoma

Let's start in Utah. Soaps and detergents are viscous and corrosive - making them perfect applications for Viking pumps. These include dishwasher detergent, laundry detergent, and hand soaps just to name a few. Many are liquids, but some are powder slurries which are then dried into powder or compressed into tablets for easier handling.