50 States / 50 Pumping Applications: Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, and Washington

Let's start in Connecticut. Fuel oil is one of Viking Pump’s oldest applications and can be found in EVERY US state, so why highlight Connecticut? First Connecticut, like much of the US Northeast, utilizes fuel oil to heat their homes. In fact, nearly half of all Connecticut households are heated by fuel oil. As a result, much of the fuel oil reserve is stored in Connecticut as well. Viking Pump fuel oil pumps can be found at every step of the supply process.

Welcome to Viking Pump's Machine Shop

The machine shop is Viking Pump’s largest facility. Since its opening in 1960, the shop has undergone multiple expansions and has now grown to 320 thousand square feet. Today this facility houses many departments including machining, tooling, assembly, paint, shipping, quality, procurement and planning. In the machine shop, parts are machined from castings and bar stock. Dimensions, especially those inside the pump cavity, must be precise to ensure the pumps operate efficiently and are capable of high pressures and self-priming.

Welcome to Viking Pump's Foundry

Located on Viking Road in the Cedar Falls Industrial Park, the 78,000 square foot facility is used to produce gray iron, carbon steel, 316 stainless steel, and 770 non-galling stainless steel. 
In a foundry, parts are cast by pouring molten metal into a hollow mold. To create a mold, core and mold technicians pull patterns for the various cast parts. Each pattern is a template for one side of one or more parts. Sand is compressed against the plate and when the plate is removed the shape of the part remains and half of a mold is created. 

50 States / 50 Pumping Applications: Iowa, Rhode Island, California, West Virginia, Colorado

Viking Pump’s original applications started at home, right here in Iowa. This original list included asphalt, fuel oil, turpentine, linseed oil, and water but did not include one of Viking Pump’s most common applications in the state today: corn syrup. Corn syrup is a sweetener made from, you guessed it…corn, and used in a variety of foods, candies, beverages, and pet foods. Next, is Rhode Island. Bunker C has many names: Heavy Fuel Oil, Bunker Oil, #6 Fuel Oil.

Learn more about Viking Pump's Latest Pipeline Injection Pump

Viking Pump's GB-425 Series™ is a robust and rebuildable external gear pump that is specifically designed for pipeline injection. 

Viking Pump is proud to bring you the new GB-425 Series™ pipeline injection pump. This robust, rebuildable external gear pump is specifically designed to handle the pressures, flow requirements, and abrasives that make crude oil pipeline injection one of the the most difficult applications.

Pipeline Injection Pumps from Viking Pump

Viking Pump has been leading the way in critical application pumps for over 110 years - and one of the most difficult - yet essential - applications is crude oil pipeline injection. We are proud to introduce the new GB-425 Series™.

In 2017, Viking Pump came on the pipeline injection scene with the GP-425 Series™ external gear pump - specifically designed for the rigorous pressures and flow rates required - and took the oil and gas industry by storm.

But we never stopped researching…

...never stopped designing…

...never stopped testing...

Viking Pump Canada: 100 Years of Excellence

Viking Pump Canada has been serving customers across the Canadian provinces for over 100 years. First opened in 1924 as an additional manufacturing center for US-based Viking Pump, Viking Pump Canada has developed into an important source of positive displacement pump expertise.

Through the years, Viking Pump Canada has had different ownership - but was ultimately reacquired by Viking Pump in 1992. Now with a strong focus on high quality distribution and service, Viking Pump Canada is accelerating growth for the entire Viking Pump business.

Slowing Down Your Pump's Motor with a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD)

In a positive displacement pump, each rotation of the shaft and gears carries a fixed volume of liquid from the supply tank to the downstream piping. When paired with an AC induction motor, speed and flow are very consistent. But what if you want to CHANGE the flow? In this episode of the Pump Report, Chad discusses controlling your positive displacement pump's motor with a variable frequency drive - or VFD.