O-Pro® Seal Technology

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Packing was designed to leak

But it doesn't have to be that way

With Viking Pump's patented O-Pro® Sealing Technology, you keep your product where it belongs; Inside the pump and off your floors.


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We listened to our customers and engineered a seal that reduces loss of product due to leakage.

How can we help you?

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Before and After O Pro

Replace Packing or Mechanical Seals with O-Pro®

Replace Packing or Mechanical Seals with O-Pro®

Each O-Pro® Seal design option replaces packing or a mechanical seal by occupying the internal bracket cavity with a machined seal gland. Utilizing O-rings to seal externally on the bracket and internally on the shaft, a combination of O-rings and lubricating grease provide a robust seal. This prevents process fluids from leaking out of the pump. 

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O-Pro® Barrier Seal



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O-Pro® Cartridge Seal


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O-Pro® Guard Seal



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With over 110 years of experience providing positive displacement pumping solutions, Viking Pump has a rich, lengthy history of providing engineered solutions for tough applications. We have dedicated sales and field support specialists who are supported by a team of customer service representatives and engineers. Our knowledgeable team of application engineers available to help with product selection and technical support. USA based company with vertically integrated manufacturing facility. 



Our state-of-the-art testing equipment is used to confirm performance prior to shipments. Our world-class lab gives Viking Pump the ability to test our pump designs across a range of relevant variables.